Thursday, December 27, 2007

Mom, when were you born?

Titus just asked me, "Mom, when were you born?"

"April 16, 1966."

"Wow, that's a long time ago! Was that before the dinosaurs?"

Remember when high school students seemed old?


Scott Savage said...

I used to create mazes on graph paper when I was in like first or second grade. I still have a vivid picture in my mind of the time I gave one of my mazes to a friend and learned that not even a third grader could finish it! I can relate :) And, your not old.

Mom said...

Oh, how our children age us. I remember when Nancy and her sibs asked me what cartoons I watched when I was in grade school? When I told them there was no TV then --- I could see on their faces that they saw visions of me on the prairie in a covered wagon!!!! Welcome to a new stage of parenting, daughter!!!
Love, Mom

Leah said...

I used the phrase "up a creek without a paddle" the other day with Madison. She looked at me like I had green horns growing out of my head and said, "Is that an old lady saying?"