Monday, August 20, 2007

first day kindergarten part 2

This report is by Titus Weikal.

Here is a list of the best things about my day:
That I made lots of new friends
I have some monkey bars out in the play ground
I have a kickball stadium on the chalk place
And I have three slides
I can put my bag on any hook. I don't even have to put it on the same hook I did yesterday.

The end.

And Momma's favorite quote after the first day of school ...
"Actually, I don't like my teacher...I love my teacher."


Leah said...

This is sooo cute Nancy! You will love keeping a blog and I will LOVE reading it. You'll have to come up with a saying for Titus' quotes... like I have Quinn's Quips. Hope you got your banana bread! Love, Leah

Marilyn said...

Way to go big guy!!!
Enjoy each day- they go soo fast. I remember like it was yesterday dropping Matt at Kindergarten. Now i will have another BOO HOO when he drives back off for Nashville on Sunday. (and he is 24)
Great that you love what you are doing, and you are making a difference!