Tuesday, July 22, 2008

about the job

Well, I just opened the flush letter from NKCSD. If you read our blog, talk to me, or see my facebook page, you know I've been waiting for a LONG time to hear the verdict on my three interviews. You also know that I've been pretty confident that I'd get the job.

Yesterday we got a little insider info that suggests I won't be getting an offer. I'm very bummed. But I'm also able to keep things in perspective. It still is my dream job, and maybe one day I'll get to work there. But for now, it looks like I'll be doing something else which will probably not allow me to walk to work.

I had an interview this morning with the KCMO School District for a teaching position with their alternative schools. There were three options, two of which are teaching, the other working as a discipline coordinator in support of teaching staff at a K-8 building (not something I'm interested in for a variety of reasons). They plan to let me know next week. Both would be challenging and rewarding work. I'm kind of leaning in preference toward being the lead teacher at a facility called Jackson House, a transitional housing facility for boys. I would coordinate their academic work. The boys are there anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. The other option is a more traditional alternative school for grades 9-12 where I would teach language arts.

I'll keep you all posted. Seems like I'll be offered a position, but who knows.

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