Saturday, January 3, 2009


so this will be the only year in history that we have two official inaugural letters at our place - one saying we have tickets to the presidential inauguration and one saying we are invited to the missouri governor's ball and inauguration festivities in jeff city.

kind of cool. but here's the best part. we'll get to party with our friends trent & amanda and their kiddos - ella, cora, and levi. ella and titus have been classmates for the past two years. we try very hard not to marry off our 6 year olds. the little master needed some fancy duds. it's nice that at age 6 you can get fancy duds for $20.

recently ella asked titus if he thought that going to the ball with her was kind of like a date. he said yes. she said, well it's not. all i can say is get used to it son...there is life time of confusion ahead!

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