Wednesday, October 15, 2008

getting my bona fides

It's official. I'm now a hard-core veteran teacher of inner city juvenile delinquents. Thirty minutes into my work day, the students came down stairs. And one little fellow just wasn't going to cooperate. Who knew that a second request for him to get his binder would rouse the sleeping monster within. He let out a growl and slugged me in the right hip. Good thing there is a lot of extra padding. After my adrenaline subsided, I did feel a bit of a sting for a while.

The poor kid. He really needs to be in a psychiatric hospital setting. But until then, he better be in lock-up. Assaulting a teacher is not a good addition to a wrap-sheet.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Yeesh, tough day for both of you. Hang in there, and maybe put some ice on it?!?