Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What is your hermeneutic disposition?

I found this little quiz tonight. I'd be interested to have you friends take it and post your result and thoughts.

hermeneutics quiz

It categorizes you as conservative, moderate of progressive in your position on scripture interpretation. (very much a nutshell definition).


nancy said...

I ended up with a 76, which categorizes me as a progressive on this instrument.

More thoughts to follow. Right now I'm headed to bed.

Heather Weber said...

thanks for the quiz link. I'm a 53, a moderate. Which seems very fitting actually. I"m very progressive on some issues, conservative on others. At times, I found the quiz options didn't actually reflect any of my beliefs...did you find that true for you?

nancy said...

Yes - that's always a problem with forced choice questionnaires. There were several items where I didn't like the options.

nancy said...
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Ray Weikal said...
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Ray Weikal said...

Ok, so I deleted the last 2 comments because I forgot to sign out Nancy and sign myself in and it was a big confused mess.

Here's what I want to say:

I scored 86, which means I'm progressive. That makes sense. I'm a historian and journalist and I can't help but read the Bible as a human-produced document and in its historical context. Literalism, legalism, in-errancy: Been there, done that and none of it works for me any more. For me, the text is so much richer and more meaningful when the words are given back their humanity. Strangely, I feel like that lets God become, well, God again, not trapped in this little book.