Thursday, July 31, 2008

free at last

I got the call today. The good news call, that is. I will be the lead teacher at Jackson House, an alternative residential center with the KCMO school district. Although the facility is not conventional, the position is classified as a standard teaching position which means a regular school day, vacations, in-service workshops, benefits, etc.

My commute will be about 15 minutes. If you're familiar with KC at all, I'll be working just a few blocks from the Crown Center. I have much to learn about the facility. All that I know is that it is a boys only facility for kids involved with the courts system. We have a max of 15 kids at a time, and they use an educational software program called Plato. I will be part of a team, with specific responsibilities for the academic portion of the day. Kids will be there from 2 or 3 days to 2 or 3 weeks.

Beyond that, I have no clue! What an adventure, huh? I feel equipped for what lies ahead and know that at least prep and grading will be minimal. As the director said, what these boys need is someone to love them and care for them. I'm up for that.

Perhaps the best part is that my 11 month stint as an emergency dispatch operator at ADT is DONE!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

about the job

Well, I just opened the flush letter from NKCSD. If you read our blog, talk to me, or see my facebook page, you know I've been waiting for a LONG time to hear the verdict on my three interviews. You also know that I've been pretty confident that I'd get the job.

Yesterday we got a little insider info that suggests I won't be getting an offer. I'm very bummed. But I'm also able to keep things in perspective. It still is my dream job, and maybe one day I'll get to work there. But for now, it looks like I'll be doing something else which will probably not allow me to walk to work.

I had an interview this morning with the KCMO School District for a teaching position with their alternative schools. There were three options, two of which are teaching, the other working as a discipline coordinator in support of teaching staff at a K-8 building (not something I'm interested in for a variety of reasons). They plan to let me know next week. Both would be challenging and rewarding work. I'm kind of leaning in preference toward being the lead teacher at a facility called Jackson House, a transitional housing facility for boys. I would coordinate their academic work. The boys are there anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. The other option is a more traditional alternative school for grades 9-12 where I would teach language arts.

I'll keep you all posted. Seems like I'll be offered a position, but who knows.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

the end is near

Hey sports fans...I just got home from my final interview for the counselor position at Northtown. It went very well, I'd say. I interviewed with the principal and the two co-chairs of the counseling department. The word is that a decision will be made and the central office notified tomorrow. Who knows how long it will take the central office to notify me of the status...

So...thanks for all of your encouraging words, your prayers, and your expressed interest. I hope to have news real soon...and let it be good news, right?

Monday, July 7, 2008

horrible news

Our dear friend Jeremy was killed in a motorcycle accident last night. Jeremy was one of the liveliest guys I've ever known - bright, warm, caring. Please be praying for Jeremy's fiance, Tina, and their little boy, Quentin, who turned one this spring, as well as Jeremy's family. They are all so dear to me and Ray.

An Iowa City man was killed and five other people were injured — including three young children — when a motorcycle collided with a car Sunday.

Jeremy R. Brenneman, 23, was pronounced dead after the motorcycle he was driving collided head-on with the car on Highway 965 at Cou Falls Road south of Swisher around 6:30 p.m., according to the Iowa State Patrol. Deputies reported that Brenneman was southbound on Highway 965 when he collided with the car turning west on Cou Falls Road. He was thrown from the bike.

The driver of the car was Mohammed A. Alterbal, 33, of Cedar Rapids. He was injured, along with Lisa Alterbal, 33, Aliyah Alterbal, 3, Hazma Alterbal, 1, and Bethany Campbell, 9, all of Cedar Rapids.

They were all transported to University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, where information about their conditions was not immediately available.

An investigation into the incident continues.


I realized yesterday that I am now completely exhausted by this interview process. It has been over two months since I interviewed with the district, and a month since I found out that the school was still looking for someone to hire. I'm still thinking I have a great shot at being offered the job, but I have almost no emotion left. is Monday. My interview is at 1:30 this Thursday with the counselors. I expect it will go well, and I will feel like I had every chance at putting my best foot out there to be evaluated.

The other night, Titus prayed - "help me not to be too excited if my mom gets the job, and help me not to be too sad if she doesn't get the job". As you can see, our whole family is feeling the impact!

And last night I told Titus that if I get the job, there is not going to be any celebration that is too much - there will be dancing, and shouting, and jumping...and then he rolled his eyes at me!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

this is kind of cool

Our friend JR is a designer for a publishing company. He recently asked to shoot Titus and Ray for a book's a look at our boy.